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How to get your vdi business off to a flying start!


Jan 21, 2023
vdi business

I have noticed that very often people become demotivated and stop their VDI activity for lack of results, often linked to a start that is too slow for their taste. In this article, I wanted to give you 4 actions to get started in VDI on the fly that can give you very good results immediately.

The implementation of a plan

As in any project, it is very important to set up an action vdi business plan, for this, I advise you to ask yourself 3 questions:

Establish a clear plan in which you know what you need to do in the following days and months. Then, find people who can help you achieve it, by which I mean competent people, who will help you take your business to the next level. And finally, set clear goals, they must be achievable, and more importantly, you must believe 100% that you can achieve them, if you can’t, aim for lower goals to start with.

I insist on this last sentence, if you have objectives that are too high or that you have been dangled with multi-digit remuneration, you risk being demotivated by the lack of results.

Action n°2, make people talk about you

The second action to launch your VDI activity on the hats of wheels is to make yourself known as much as possible. Whether it’s around you, or, in my opinion, which has an infinitely greater impact, on the net.

Talking about it around you is already very good to start, but you will notice that people are very little interested, do not worry, it is a difficulty encountered by most people who start.

Prospecting on the Internet is an excellent approach, but it should not be done just anyhow. I strongly advise you to train yourself, otherwise the results may also disappoint you.

Action n°3, prepare your days

To be effective and get results quickly, you must prepare your days in advance. My advice is to plan your next day the night before. My method: have a small notebook that you can take everywhere in which you write down your tasks to be carried out, in the evening, you organize your next day with your notes, from the most important task to the least important. That way, when you wake up, you’ll know exactly what to do and be super efficient. Another important point for each action to be effective is the “working time slots”.

Different studies show us that there are times during the day when our mind is more lively, and therefore better able to concentrate, especially in the morning, between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., then at the end of the afternoon, between 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Action n°4, make partnerships

No human being has enough experience, education and personal talents to make a fortune without the help of others, said Napoleon Hill.

Did you know that the greatest characters in all of history have always surrounded themselves with competent people and above all who had skills that they themselves did not have.

We often tend to isolate ourselves too much in what we undertake, if you want to succeed, you will have to do the same thing: surround yourself with people who have skills that you do not have.

Make a list of the people you know, there could be, for example, an entrepreneur (who can help you start your business), an IT specialist (who can install different software for you), a salesperson (who can give you tips on how to approach a prospect), etc.

Also try to get in touch with people who do the same thing as you, they are in no way “competitors”, but partners, you will see that you will progress much faster in contact with people with the same mentality. , Napoleon Hill called it “the collective brain”.

Do not stay alone, not knowing what to do, it will lead you to abandonment.

These 4 actions to start your VDI activity are very effective, but, on one condition: you must apply them and put enough willpower to make them work. Success is up to you and no one else.

By admin

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